
Thursday, January 17, 2008

The 1st Week of the Spring Semester

Now that I have a little time to write here is my schedule this semester.

So here is my load.

9:30-10:45a - Music Appreciation
11-12:15p - Fundamentals of Music

Lunch down in the college cafe. I eat with a regular group of faculty and staff members. Even the new president of the college come down and eats with us.

2-2:50p - Piano Class
3-3:30p - Private Piano Lesson with Leticia
4:30-5p - Private Piano Lesson with a faculty member Dale

Dinner with my friend and choir accompanist Ron. We have been picking a new restaurant every week.

7-9p Choir Rehearsal

9:30-10:45a - Music Appreciation
11-12:15p - History of Rock

Lunch down in the college cafe.

2-2:50p - Piano Class
3:30-5p - Steel Drum Band Rehearsal
5-5:50p - Piano Class
6-6:30p - Piano Lesson with Junghee
6:30-7p - Piano Lesson with Kelsey

9:30-10:45a - Music Appreciation
11-12:15p - Fundamentals of Music

Then home for lunch and I do not come back for the rest of the day.

9:30-10:45a - Music Appreciation
11-12:15p - History of Rock

Lunch with my friend George

3:30-5p - Steel Drum Band

I have made it a point this semester, with the exception of Mondays, to be home by 7p so I can have a life at home. Wednesdays are my to grocery store, relax, compose and clean apartment day. My program is getting slowly growing and next semester it might grow more with the college introducing the fields of studies. It is a full teaching semester and I have to really work on my own projects of cleaning and composing.

Posted by Eric at January 17, 2008 4:02 PM